No Compromises
Software Quality is
Low-quality code directly affects business outcomes: it results in slower time to market and more bugs, ultimately leading to decreased customer satisfaction. Prioritizing high-quality code mitigates these risks.
Did you know that?
42% decrease
Up to 42% of developer's time is wasted due to Technical Debt and bad code.
2x Solutions
Resolving issues in low quality code takes on average 2 times more time.
15x fewer bugs
High-quality code has up to 15 times fewer bugs.
9x Hours
Developing a new feature with low-quality code can require up to 9 times more hours.

Our Solution to the challenge is










This is a in-house system that safeguards technical standards of our solutions. DEGS uses lots of different checks and measures, most of which run all by themselves. Here’s how it works:

DEGS explainedDEGS process

DEGS is not just another standard CI pipeline. it’s dozens of custom automated checks that were learnt “hard way” throughout our decade long market experience. It covers four main software quality aspects:

Regression & business functionality checks
Regression & business functionality module ensures every commit doesn’t break previous behaviour and that core business functionality works as expected. Central to this module is a no-code in-house system test framework, which allows each project to define expected business behavior and automatically test it on every change to the project.
Code Quality Metrics
DEGS encompasses a wide range of measures under this category. Those metrics span from advanced static analysis and test-coverage percentage to very-specific checks tailored to different technologies (for example DEGS unit makes sure that flyway migration script names follow certain naming conventions to properly organise database migraiton).
Architectural Quality Metrics
Did you know that architecture can be auto-tested? To give one example: solution like ArchUnit enables developers to write automated tests that analyze and validate dependencies between layers. Naming conventions of classes can be tested as well. DEGS incorporates similar checks, that allow to maintain architectural quality.
Code Monitorability Metrics
Code must be more than well-written-it needs to be easily monitorable. Code monitorability extends beyond clean syntax and becomes critical when deploying systems in production. Without sufficient logs for issue analysis, absence of healthcheck endpoints, or the inability to pinpoint code errors, troubleshooting becomes challenging. DEGS monitorability model ensures that your project’s code is designed for efficient issue analysis and resolution in production environments.
Introducing New Features
Ensuring Nothing Breaks with DEGS framework
In the dynamic business environment, the ability to roll out new features without introducing errors is vital. It's a daunting challenge that the current market solutions failed to sufficiently address, prompting us to design a comprehensive, developer-friendly tool that fills this critical gap.
DEGS offers an indispensable asset to businesses seeking to ensure quality and stability while rapidly evolving their software offerings - a back-end system test framework. This tool allows for the creation of thorough automated tests that simulate clients interaction with your product, with zero coding. It’s our response to a persistent issue plaguing organizations today - ensuring a seamless software experience, where every added feature enhances rather than disrupts overall functionality.
Today, our groundbreaking system test framework is open-source and has been adopted by dozens of companies worldwide. They are leveraging our technology to maintain the integrity of their software, while quickly and efficiently integrating new features without breaking the old ones.
Convenience and Speed
DEGS System Test Framework Promise
Our test framework has been meticulously designed, embodying
the finest engineering practices.
Rapid Integration: Our system test framework is a zero-coding solution, being entirely configuration-driven. This allows you to concentrate on ensuring your business logic performs optimally while we handle the technicalities.
Easy to Use: Developers can execute system tests directly from their preferred IDE without any additional setup, all with a simple mouse click.
Dependability & Isolation: Each test operates on a distinct set of resources, with infrastructure initiated afresh for every test. This assures the reliability and reproducibility of each test execution.
Efficiency: The framework allows for a full regression of your project in less than a minute. This rapid turnaround enables testing with every developer commit as part of your CI pipeline.
Excellent Documentation and Support: Our solution comes with comprehensive documentation and continues to be actively developed. You always have the option to report an issue or suggest improvements.
Navigating System Reliability
Four Steps with DEGS

Define infrastructure requirements for your project

system test JSON configuration

System test would launch the entire infrastructure
with your application connecting to it.


Define the business process of your application
as a sequence of executable steps

file structure
Every step should have a request
and expect response

Sequential System Tests

System test would sequentially go through the business steps, executing them one by one. It would then compare system response to an expected one and fail if those don’t match.


Quality is not a concept we’ve taken lightly.

For over a decade, our focus at DEGS has been unwavering : prioritize quality from day one. Over the years, we’ve accumulated a wealth of knowledge on what works and what doesn’t when it comes to quality assurance and standards.

If you find yourself grappling with maintaining high-quality standards or are seeking to adopt better practices, we are here to help. We can guide you in fortifying your existing standards and implementing effective new ones. Contact us today and let us assist you in elevating your quality benchmarks.

With our DEGS system, turn quality from a challenge into your competitive advantage.

quality control